imageGUI desktop environments are helpful for many EC use cases. Unfortunately AWS doesnt provide an easy way to configure a desktop GUI. AWS offers managed services like Amazon WorkSpacesand NICE DCVexist but you lose the customizability and pricing offered by a raw EC.Since ECs ru...
imageIts not uncommon for me to come across software products that refer to my name as John instead of John Wright. Personally this has never bothered me a ton. Its not like John is wrong its technically my legal first name. But since I go by a double name and thats what all my family and friends call me seeing just John online doesnt feel right. To...
Enums are one of the few features TypeScript adds to JavaScript beyond type checking. Combined with React enums are extremely useful in designing component interfaces.imageLets say were designing a text component in React. Well want different types of text so well add a prop to our component called type. Only certain typ...
API validation is essential to running a backend. Especially with tools like NoSQL databases it is up to the APIs business logic to enforce typing. Without these type checks security vulnerabilities can be introduced. Using TypeScript with Lambda is already awesome. Node.js is one of the fastest runtimes on AWS Lambda to cold start. Node.js also supports one of AWSs most mature SDKs.ima...
imageThe React Hooks API is widely becoming popular among the React community. Hooks enable components to supports features like state without needing to be written as a class.However hooks will sometimes act differently than expected. One common problem with useState hooks is the state not appearing to update in scheduled functions...
imageNext.js provides a ton of powerful features on top of React. With the ability to server side rendercontent Next.js gives you a fast website with great SEO.SSR also complicates your deployment strategy. With static websites like from Create React App or Next.js static...
imageTo send emails through SES AWS requires you to verify your email domain. Youre also required to create DKIM tokens to authenticate your emails. DKIM tokens help email clients detect malicious emails like spoofed addresses or phishing scams.If youre provisioning your next project with CloudFormation AWS currently doesnt offer any first party solut...
imageThe Windows Subsystem for Linuxis great for development. WSL gives you the functionality of UNIX with only a fraction of the resources required for a traditional VM. It also runs alongside your Windows environment allowing you to access Windows files inside Linux. Microsoft continues to improve WSL like with the r...
Ever wondered how airplanes are tracked? Traditionally planes have been tracked with radar but limitations like weak oceanic coverage make radar not the best solution. However a new technology called Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast is emerging as the new standard for aviation tracking. What is ADS-B?Imagehttpsshop.jetvision.deWebRootStoreShopsMed...
If your browsers CORS preflight request is responding with a your APIs OPTIONS method could be requiring authentication. This might sound okay if your API is authenticated but the OPTIONS method behaves differently than other HTTP methods. Your API server will need to comply with the CORS standard which requires OPTIONS methods to work without authentication headers. How do CORS pref...